
In our Parish, as with all small parishes, the Clerk doubles as the Responsible Financial Officer, in charge of all things financial. A Cash Book is kept recording receipts and payments. At every meeting spending is monitored by councillors – that is against the Budget and as cheques signed. These balances and amounts are recorded in the minutes. The Allotments accounts form part of the Parish Council accounts at the present time.

The work of the Parish Council is funded primarily by the parish precept – that is the local tax payable by households which is collected annually alongside Milton Keynes Council Tax Bill (rates).The precept is supplemented from reserves. 

The precept is usually decided when the budget is decided, for obvious reasons. However both these items have to be approved in a public meeting. This is usually our January meeting, as Milton Keynes Council requires parishes to submit their precept request in early February every year.

Precept 2022-2023 £11 000.00

Finance Documents


2023 Internal Audit report

2023 Certificate of Exemption

2023 Governance Statement

2023 Accounting Statement

2023 Accountability Return

Copy of Copy of BANK RECON RPC 2023

RPC exercise_of_public_rights_2022-2023


AGAR 2021 2022 Internal audit report

AGAR 2021 2022 Certificate of Exemption

AGAR 2021 2022 Annual Governance Statement

AGAR 2021 2022 Accounting Statement

AGAR 2021 2022 Accountability report 

Copy of BANK RECON RPC 2022

RPC exercise_of_public_rights_2021-2022

2020 – 2021


RPC Notice of Audit 2020

Annual Internal Audit Report 2019.2020
Payments over £100 2019-20
RPC Bank Reconciliation 2019-20

Annual AUDIT RETURN 2018-19
Annual Audit Results
Annual Internal Audit Report
Payments over £100 2018-19
Bank Reconciliation 2018-19

Annual Audit Return Cover
Annual Audit Return Gov & Figures
Annual Audit Return Results
Annual Internal Audit Report
Payments over £100
Bank Reconciliation for 2017-18

Annual Audit Return Cover
Annual Audit Return Governance
Annual Audit Return Figures
Annaul Audit Return Internal
Annual Audit Return Results
Payments over £100
Bank Reconciliation for 2016-17

Annual Audit Return Cover
Annual Audit Return Figures
Annual Audit Return Internal
Annual Audit Return Results
Payments over £100
Bank Reconciliation for 2015-16