Consultation Process
At the start of the process, the Steering Group recognised the importance of consultation to inform the policies and proposals of the Ravenstone Neighbourhood Plan and has used a variety of methods to engage the community including:
- Flyers providing information and announcing key events.
- Open Day Exhibitions with the opportunity to submit comments and engage with the Steering Group.
- A Questionnaire Survey to ensure the Neighbourhood Plan is fully aligned with the wishes of the community and that any future development is shaped by the residents.
- Meetings with principal landowners.
- Meetings with interested parties – The Parochial Church Council, The Chapman’s Education Foundation (represented by the Village Hall Committee), Ravenstone Hospital Trust (who manage the Almshouses).
A comprehensive Consultation Statement has been prepared as a separate document which supports the Neighbourhood Plan chronologically detailing each stage of consultation, tabling responses received and the actions taken by the Steering Group to shape the Neighbourhood Plan prior to submission. The Consultation Statement can be found by clicking the link below or in “NP Documents”.
Having submitted the Neighbourhood Plan, Milton Keynes Council had to publish the Plan for a further period of consultation (6th August to 1st October). The Plan and eight comments received will be considered by an independent planning Examiner who was appointed on the 18th October and began work in December. The Examiner’s final report was issued on the 30th January 2019.