What stage are we at?

At its meeting on 19th June 2019, Milton Keynes Council ‘made’ the Ravenstone Neighbourhood Plan part of its Development Plan.

This followed the successful Referendum held on Thursday 2nd May 2019 with the question “Do you want Milton Keynes Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Ravenstone Area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

The result was declared by the Counting Officer on Friday 3rd May 2019: 

Yes: 124

No:  9

There was a high turnout of 68.56%.

The official declaration document can be found by clicking on the link:

Referendum Result

Preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan commenced in May 2017 and has involved extensive consultation and engagement with residents, land owners and interested parties. The Consultation Statement details each stage of consultation, tabling responses received and the actions taken by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) to shape the Neighbourhood Plan. It includes open day exhibitions, the questionnaire survey (and results) and meetings with landowners and interested parties.

A draft Neighbourhood Plan was launched on the 21st April 2018 which started the Regulation 14 pre-submission six week consultation period which ended on the 6th June 2018. Each household, statutory consultee and major landowner received a copy of the draft Plan together with a comments / feedback form with instructions for its completion. Comments received from residents, statutory consultees and landowners were carefully considered by the Steering Group and, where necessary, responses prepared for inclusion in the Consultation Statement. As a result a number of changes and additions were made to the draft Plan which became the version for submission to Milton Keynes Council on 20th July 2018.

The Plan was published by Milton Keynes Council on the 6th August 2018 and another period of consultation ran until the 1st October 2018. Further amendments were made to the draft Plan which was then accepted by Milton Keynes Council for independent Examination. The Examiner was appointed in October 2018 and began work in December 2018. The Examiner’s final Report was issued on the 30th January 2019. This was accepted by Milton Keynes Council and announced in its Decision Document on the 4th March 2019.

Further information can be found by clicking on the link below:


Milton Keynes Council arranged for a Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan for Thursday 2nd May 2019.