NP Documents

Please click on the links below to view the documents:

Referendum Result

Consultation Summary Note

Ravenstone Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version

Consultation Statement

The Consultation Statement includes Annexes which you can see showing:

  1. List of Statutory Consultees
  2. Initial Consultation Flyer
  3. Open Day Exhibition Display Boards
  4. Themed Comments from ‘Post-it’ Notes
  5. Flyer published in Gate News (Group of Villages News Letter)
  6. Questionnaire Survey
  7. Thank You Flyer
  8. Questionnaire Analysis
  9. Draft Neighbourhood Plan (shown separately here)
  10. Flyer Announcing Draft Neighbourhood Plan
  11. Open Day Exhibition Display Boards

Basic Conditions Statement

Ravenstone NP Milton Keynes Examination final Report

Neighbbourhood Planning Officer Decision on Examiners Report

Supplementary Evidence Base

Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Steering Group